

Service Learning

We welcome you and thank you for your interest in our school!

Almondale Academy is the perfect place for your child to grow both academically and socially. Our small class size gives us the opportunity to work with each child and individualize their learning process. Lessons are personalized, supporting and challenging students accordingly. The multi-age classroom environment encompasses students at varying levels in one class. Studies indicate this is the best way for students to learn through individualized programs and peer teaching. Teachers and students work together through instruction, guidance, and collaboration. 

The social development of each student is a primary component of Almondale’s educational program.  Studies demonstrate that students with high self-esteem are successful in school. Those students who enjoy school do well.  Social interactions with students are an integral part of a child’s experience in school and affects academic performance.  Both social and academic development must be integrated for a child to be successful in school.

Almondale addresses these needs through education and mediation. Communication skills, along with general problem solving, are addressed in weekly class meetings.  All behavioral issues are handled through mediation.  Students are taught to listen to each other, reflect on their actions, and propose more positive solutions to the problem at hand.

Expeditionary (real-world learning) and service learning are significant aspects of the curriculum. On Fridays, students go on a field trip connected to the curriculum as well as community service projects. Real-world learning reinforces and sustains classroom education.