Welcome to Almondale Academy. If you want your child to be excited to learn and feel good about him or herself both academically and socially, then you have chosen the right school.

At Almondale Academy, we view each child as unique and deserving of the love and attentiveness that a parent gives.  The whole child is considered and guided both in academics and social development.  At Almondale, kids can be kids with no social agenda except that each grows to his or her fullest potential.

The students learn to care about others through learning communication skills and Service Learning.  Intercommunication skills are taught and practiced in class meetings and through mediation dealing with conflict resolution.  Each student is listened to and guided towards self-reflection and solution(s) to the conflict. Students embark on field trips to engage in activities that benefit the community, such as assisting at different Food Banks, helping the Orangevale Recreation Department clean up Almond Park, and now returning to visit the Residence Home across the street.

The academics are teacher-guided and student-directed, supported by our experiential philosophy and expeditionary trips. Our curriculum and multi-age classrooms are designed to enhance the development of each child: challenging those who strive to advance quickly and supporting those who need more encouragement and guidance. Our goal is to create an environment that fosters a love of learning and enjoyment of school. Aristotle’s quote sums up our approach to education: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”